Do you find yourself in this situation....Your family is growing, the world is changing and you now work remotely from home... your once perfect house seems to shrink. The kitchen table has become the office, the school room, the dinner table; sometimes all at the same time! You have built roots in the neighborhood, made strong bonds with friends, and your kids are invloved in school and sports. You have hit the "Love it, or List it" phase. You start to look into other properties where you can maintain your lifestyle, and not have to totally uproot the family. The current market has limited availability, and certainly no vacant land to build. You start to think you are living in a nightmare!
Get out of the nightmare, and into a DREAM HOME!
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet
Part of any project is handling the unknown, making adjustments, and staying on course. This project encountered quite a few challenges along the way: Over 300 yards of excess fill was certified and trucked off site; an unknown, unidentified drainage pipe was encountered and rerouted around the proposed foundation; new homes often mean new utilities or utility upgrades, in this case the water service was upgraded and subsequently relocated to avoid the Township Street tree, as well as new Gas and Electric services were installed; and of course Covid-19 was certainly not something that was anticipated when the project design was underway. Covid-19 impacted trade schedules for safety, sometimes requiring quarantining; material cost escalation and shortages were encountered that led to changes in specifications and work arounds to try and limit the impact on the overall schedule and quality of the delivered product; and of course Mother Nature had her say with multiple tropical storm remnants that hit during the foundation and framing period that required dewatering, or tenting to stay on schedule; finally, we dealt with a few feet of snow just as final inspections were taking place. In the end the demolition of the existing home took place on June 6, 2020 and the home was turned back over to the original family on February 10, 2021. We managed to maintain delivery of the Project within the originally anticipated schedule!